Monday, February 27, 2012

Parents all over America are losing their rights and don't even know it

Parental Rights are being eroded. in America today. is fighting for the rights of parents to raise their children as they see fit. Parents all over America are losing their rights and don't even know it. If you care about your rights as a parent, please share this video with your family and friends. Featuring 3 reenactments based on real cases, "Overruled" is a shocking 35-minute docudrama that exposes how the rights of parents in America are being eroded and what you can do to turn the tide.

Here's how you can help:
1. Sign the petition at
2. Tell others about 
3. Write your local paper
4. Contact your Congressman
5. Make a donation at

Thursday, February 2, 2012

iPad2 Giveaway From Apps-School

This contest has ended is a central place where educators, parents, caregivers alike, can find, rate and review educational apps for our children.

Want to win an iPad2?

One lucky winner will receive an iPad 2 (16GB with Wi-Fi) from Apps-School 

WOW- winner will also receive a whole list of promo codes for 
free family-friendly apps from Developers like

JANES Works Co
Learning Touch
Smiley Cat LLC
Knowledge Quest, Inc..
Pirate Trio Academy

Click Here to Enter the Apps-School Giveaway Today!

App-School will  announce the winner of the iPad gift basket drawing
in their e-newsletter in two weeks, enter today